Chairs Report
With the UK Government’s SVPRS scheme wrapping up at the end of 2020, RRN Trustees have got two key things on their minds at the moment. The first is housing. We are guessing this isn’t the first time you’ve heard us say this but we urgently need more houses as this is the last year we’ll be settling refugees under this scheme as December 2019 will see the last arrivals.
If you haven’t already, please do help us find new potential landlords by talking about the work RRN is doing. We’re also holding an Open Meeting in Havant on May 22nd at St Faith’s Church (1 West Street, Havant PO9 1PR) from 6-8pm to find new volunteers and hopefully also landlords in the area, so please do invite anyone you know in the area to attend. There are other ways you can help us find this housing – almost all our properties have been found by word of mouth through our volunteers and your action on this saves lives. Please see below for further details.
Secondly, we’re starting to think about what RRN becomes as a charity after the end of the SVPRS. Obviously, for a period of time after the last arrivals, we will still be supporting families in the same way as always through the provision of Community Teams, work support and financial support when needed. However, if the scheme is not replaced, there is a question over which direction the charity should then take.
Other than supporting Children on the Edge (COTE) our focus is on helping refugees from war-torn countries in the UK and very many of them arrive in other ways and still need help. We’re going to be discussing next steps at the end of the month and if any volunteers have any thoughts or ideas around this, please do email or fix a time to speak or meet with one of us. We supported COTE after feedback from you that you’d like to do something to help those in the camps around Syria and your input is incredibly important to us. If you have views we want to listen so please contact us on the regular email address
The 33 Art Sale is fast approaching – it takes place on Thursday, June 13th at Bordean. If you’re not yet following us on Instagram or Facebook please do (33 Art Sale for all social media) – the more likes and shares we get the bigger the buzz and the more money raised.
The new families have been settling in well thanks to the amazing hard work of the Community Teams (and the unstoppable Nadia who keeps it all running). A huge thank you to them and to all of you for your continued support.


